Graphic Design
Advertising Marketing
Print Management

My name is Cathy Coldicutt, and I am a qualified Graphic Designer, with an Advanced Diploma in Advertising Marketing. I have over 28 years of experience in the industry and have worked with a variety of organisations including Christians for Israel NZ, Cockle Bay School, Villa Maria College, Landmark Homes, Fletcher Homes Residential, Finesse Homes Ltd, Your Home NZ Ltd, Clevedon School, Auckland Builders & Renovations plus many more.
My first company, Orange Creative Ltd (where I employed five designers) sold in 2005 when I had my daughter Jade, who is now 16 years old. As I work from home, my hourly rate is very competitive compared to commercial graphic designers plus I have very flexible working hours; if a job needs doing, big or small, I’ll get done, whether it means working nights and/or weekends.
I am also the Managing Editor of a 24-page newspaper called Israel & Christians Today - a b-monthly publication that is distributed to New Zealand, Australia, South Pacific, USA and Europe. I not only do the layout and design but also collate the content with the International Editorial Team.